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Join The Livegan Podcast with hosts Kevin Lahey and Ben Le Roi, as they interview inspirational leaders in the animal rights community and help vegan activists become more effective.
Kevin is an ex-undercover investigator with CARE and Mercy for Animals
Ben is co-founder of Nation Rising
Join The Livegan Podcast with hosts Kevin Lahey and Ben Le Roi, as they interview inspirational leaders in the animal rights community and help vegan activists become more effective.
Kevin is an ex-undercover investigator with CARE and Mercy for Animals
Ben is co-founder of Nation Rising
E49: Rochester Veg Fest
Live Vegan / Rochester VegFest
Kevin Lahey & Ben Le Roi present activist tips and why it is so important to be a vegan activist at the 2018 Rochester, NY Vegfest. They take questions and handle excuses given by the crowd. And some Superhero talk :-)
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