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Join The Livegan Podcast with hosts Kevin Lahey and Ben Le Roi, as they interview inspirational leaders in the animal rights community and help vegan activists become more effective.
Kevin is an ex-undercover investigator with CARE and Mercy for Animals
Ben is co-founder of Nation Rising
Join The Livegan Podcast with hosts Kevin Lahey and Ben Le Roi, as they interview inspirational leaders in the animal rights community and help vegan activists become more effective.
Kevin is an ex-undercover investigator with CARE and Mercy for Animals
Ben is co-founder of Nation Rising
Podcasting since 2017 • 79 episodes
Latest Episodes
E83: A New Beginning, Livegan Reborn
A New Beginning, Livegan RebornTonight we welcome Vegan Activist Alliance (VAA) as our new host. While we will miss our audience and the podcast, we couldn’t be...

E82: Vegan Activist Alliance with Eloisa Trinidad & Tom Wramage
Are fighting against injustices for humans and animals mutually exclusive? How do these two movements fit together? Tom Wramage and Eloisa Trinidad join Kevin and Ben to discuss the origination of the Vegan Activist Alliance and how fighting ag...

E81: Food Deserts with Samantha Salmon
Samantha Salmon is an Integrative Nutrition Coach that specializes in helping women lose weight, balance blood sugar and release stress and anxiety for total optimal health. She is the founder of RawFoodMealPlanner.com and the Raw Food Health E...