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Join The Livegan Podcast with hosts Kevin Lahey and Ben Le Roi, as they interview inspirational leaders in the animal rights community and help vegan activists become more effective.
Kevin is an ex-undercover investigator with CARE and Mercy for Animals
Ben is co-founder of Nation Rising
Join The Livegan Podcast with hosts Kevin Lahey and Ben Le Roi, as they interview inspirational leaders in the animal rights community and help vegan activists become more effective.
Kevin is an ex-undercover investigator with CARE and Mercy for Animals
Ben is co-founder of Nation Rising
E78: The Coronavirus & Veganism
Live Vegan
How is the spread of COVID-19 affecting our world? How is it affecting the Animal Rights movement? Are vegans more or less likely to contract the disease? How can we be better activists amidst this crisis? Should we discuss eating animals as the source/origin of this disease? Kevin, Ben, and guests Maxine Grabowski and Tom Wramage join us for a round table discussion on the 2020 Global Pandemic.
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